01 217 6510

Do you wish to avoid the hidden costs of pensions and investments?

Are you aware of the extent to which hidden costs can have a dramatic effect on the performance of your pensions and investments?

As a firm of chartered accountants advising in an area traditionally the preserve of stockbrokers, private banks and insurance brokers, we bring a different perspective to what is generally available in the marketplace. We have strong views on the different financial product offerings and we do not recommend complex investments that are not transparent and often inherently flawed with penal charge structures attached.

We will interrogate and challenge the structure and hidden charges within your existing portfolio, which can have a significant impact on the performance of your investments. We can also negotiate a more competitive charging structure on your behalf going forward.

Are pension and investment products being recommended to you by your stockbroker or bank on an ad-hoc basis?

In our experience many pension portfolios underperform because investments were made on an ad-hoc basis by clients over several years for tax and other reasons with no overall investment strategy in mind.

In the first instance we will review your entire pension and investment portfolio and bring the investment management of your overall funds into focus with a view to putting in place an overall investment strategy for your funds. Furthermore, we have an extensive knowledge of the different tax structures adopted by the various pension and investment providers and will use this knowledge in the tax planning of each client�s portfolio. We have the experience over a long number of years in the pensions and investments area and have an in-depth knowledge of all financial products in the marketplace.

In a predominantly sales focused industry do you trust your advisor to provide impartial advice that is in your best interests?

We will build a trust relationship with you over a number of years which is not sales driven. In the current economic climate knowing what sectors to avoid and which financial products offer poor value for money is the most critical aspect of any investment advice and this is something that is always foremost in our minds when we make investment recommendations. It is not possible to get it right all the time but by adopting a proactive approach and keeping abreast of market developments on a daily basis we can react quickly to market changes.